cocoa touch - can't set tableview frame in landscape, parameters set but view is strange [screenshot attached] -

i try set frame of uitableview (190,0,610,768) in landscape mode. frame parameters correctly set display not correct.

to contrast result, added uilabel same frame bottom:

cgrect frame = cgrectmake(190, 0, 610, 768);  uilabel *lbtb = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:frame]; lbtb.backgroundcolor = [uicolor cyancolor]; lbtb.text = @""; [self.view addsubview:lbtb];  dishmenuvc = [[dishmenuviewcontroller alloc] init] ; dishmenuvc.view.frame = frame;     dishmenuvc.view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor redcolor]; dishmenuvc.view.alpha = 0.5; [self.view addsubview:dishmenuvc.view]; 

enter image description here

i found workaround problem creating container uiview intended frame , add tableview subview.


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