debugging in mixed mode with native C++, managed c++ cli, and c# solution -

i have multithreaded project im working on , startup project set c# project runs ui. there whole series of underlying c++ native projects connected c# managed c++/cli projects. i've enabled in c# start project 'enable unmanaged debug' , when attempt debug native code, able hit break points set. however, hangs after try run again , try hit break point again. example, if have loop try hit inside in each iteration, after second iteration program hangs , have force quit. im working in visual studio 2010. debugging beginning prove not useful @ rate, there way preclude problem?

when want debug native code c++/cli, following:

  1. in c# application, check allow unsafe code in build tab , enable unmanaged code debugging in debug tab of project properties.
  2. for c++/cli dll project, in debugging tab of properties, set debugger type mixed


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