How do WPF toolbars change their buttons' styles? -

in wpf, if put button inside toolbar, button automagically gets different style: no border default, different hover effects, etc. mechanism wpf use accomplish that?

i know how restyle buttons in program, putting style targettype="button" resources in app.xaml. know how restyle buttons in single parent panel, putting same style targettype="button" panel's resources. don't know how make reusable, can apply multiple different panels (but not whole app) , have restyle buttons in panels.

toolbar has magic make "apply children" style reusable. how that?

it applies style in preparecontainerforitemoverride, looks like:

protected override void preparecontainerforitemoverride(dependencyobject element, object item) {     base.preparecontainerforitemoverride(element, item);     frameworkelement element2 = element frameworkelement;     if (element2 != null) {         // ...         resourcekey name = null;         if (type == typeof(button)) {             name = buttonstylekey;         }         else if (type == typeof(togglebutton)) {             name = togglebuttonstylekey;         }         else if (type == typeof(separator)) {             name = separatorstylekey;         }         // ...          element2.defaultstylekey = name;     } } 


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