javascript - Newbie: how to hide and show in my case using jQuery? -

i newbie in jquery. have index.html page,

<body>   <div id="content"> </body> 

i feature when page loaded, "content" area shows list:

<div id="my-list">     <select id="carlist" size="10">           <option>bmw</option>           <option>toyota</option>           <option>skoda</option>     </select> </div> 

when user select car list option, list "my-list" disappear(hide), , image shown in "content" area.

that's hide selection filed , show image in same "content" area.

how in jquery??

i tried:

var mylist=$('#my-list'); mylist.change(function(){     mylist.hide() } 

but, define "my-list" , image in same "content" area? how implement all?

var mylist=$('#carlist'); mylist.change(function(){     mylist.hide();     var container = mylist.parent();     container.find('img').remove();     container.append('<img src="x.jpg" />'); } 


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