multithreading - How to persist Entity in separate thread with JPA on J2EE App server? -

i have chat application needs store messages db. connection db little bit slow, therefore delays response chat client.

is possible persist message entity in separate thread? i'm need in: reduce delay before send-recieve message on client.

i try it, doen't work.

dao object:

@stateless public class messagesdao {     @persistencecontext(type= persistencecontexttype.extended)     private entitymanager entitymanager;      private persistencethread persistencethread = new persistencethread();      //another methods      public void addmessage(message message) {         thread thread = new thread(persistencethread);         persistencethread.setmessage(message);         thread.start();     }      private class persistencethread implements runnable {         private message message;          public void setmessage(message message) {             this.message = message;         }          public void run() {             entitymanager.persist(message);         }     } } 

interface service calls dao persist new message , return clients:

@stateless @path("/messages") @produces("application/xml") @consumes("application/xml") public class messagesserviceimpl {     @ejb     private messagesdao messagesdao;      @post     @broadcast(resumeonbroadcast = true)     public message postmessage(message message) {         messagesdao.addmessage(message);         return message;     }      @get     @path("/wait")     @suspend(outputcomments = false)     public message waitforlastmessage() {         return null;     }     //another methods  } 


give @asynchronous annotation try:

@stateless public class messagesdao {      @persistencecontext(type = persistencecontexttype.extended)     private entitymanager entitymanager;      @asynchronous     public void addmessage(message message) {       entitymanager.persist(message);     } } 

just bear in mind requires ejb 3.1.


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