vbscript - Defining a save path in VB -

the script creates txt file of info users pc saves shared directory folder f:\installedsoftware\

if writefile(s, sfilename)   'optional prompt display   if msgbox("finished processing.  results saved " & sfilename & _             vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "do want view results now?", _             4 + 32, stitle) = 6     wscript.createobject("wscript.shell").run """" & sfilename & """", 9   end if end if 

a) sfilename = "f:\installedsoftware\" & scompname & "_" & getdtfilename() & "_software.txt"

b) sfilename = scompname & "_" & getdtfilename() & "_software.txt"

both result in file being created e.g “ johnpc_05112011_093842_software.txt”

but b correctly creates in current active directory.

two problems, have shared drive, if email link vb script, have use exhibit exhibit b uses current active directory. second problem f: drive mapped on machines different drive letter j or k or in virtual environments different drive. exhibit b work long in correct folder.

is there different way of designating path. i.e

ip address or dns name not use drive letter?

sfilename = "????????????????\installedsoftware\" & scompname & "…………..

simply use unc path of location drive mapped to;

sfilename = "\\server_name_or_ip\optional_path\installedsoftware\" & scompname & ..."


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