iphone - Is it against the HIG for a UITableViewCell to remain Hightlighted? -

is against hig uitableviewcell remain hightlighted? currently, when cell selected remains blue. unsure if need add:

    nsindexpath *tableselection = [self.tableview indexpathforselectedrow];     [self.tableview deselectrowatindexpath:tableselection animated:yes]; 

the hig says

appearance , behavior

a table view displays data in rows can divided section or separated groups. users flick or drag scroll through rows or groups of rows. users tap table row select , use table view controls add or remove rows, select multiple rows, see more information row item, or reveal table view. table row highlights briefly when user taps selectable item.

if row selection results in navigation new screen, selected row highlights briefly new screen slides place. when user navigates previous screen, selected row again highlights briefly remind user of earlier selection (it not remain highlighted).

always provide feedback when users select list item. users expect table row highlight briefly when tap selectable item in it. after tapping, users expect immediate action occur: either new view appears or row displays checkmark indicate item has been selected or enabled.

in rare cases, row might remain highlighted when secondary details or controls related row item displayed in same screen. however, not encouraged because difficult display simultaneously list of choices, selected item, , related details or controls without creating uncomfortably crowded layout.


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