php - How to assert mock object's function invocation's object arguments -


class foo {     public $att;     public function __construct ( $a ) { $this->att = $a; } }  class {     public function callme ( foo $f ) {} }  // class want test class sut {     public function testme ( $s ) {         echo $s->callme( new foo('hi') );     } } 

i want check whether sut::testme() invokes some::callme(). since parameter (foo) object (not scalar type), can't figure out how call phpunit's with() run assertions on it. there assertattributeequals method example, how feed invocation's argument?

what i'd this:

class suttest extends phpunit_framework_testcase {     public function testsut () {         $stub = $this->getmock( 'some' );         $stub->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'callme' )             ->with( $this->assertattributeequals('hi', 'att', $this->argument(0) );          /*          * $stub->callme called foo object $att 'hi'?          */         $sut = new sut();         $sut->testme( $stub );     } } 

you pass expected values "with" method.

->with(1, $object, "paramthree"); 

you can pass in range of phpunit assertions instead of parameters (it defaults equal to)

->with(1, $this->equalto($object), "paramthree"); 

so objects use $this->isinstanceof("stdclass") parameter ->with

for list of possible assertions into: phpunit/framework/assert.php

for functions return new phpunit_framework_constraint

small demo

the first testcase matches 2 arguments , works

the second 1 matches 2 , fails on argument 2

the last 1 tests passed in object of type stdclass

<?php  class mockme {     public function bla() {      } }  class demo {      public function foo(mockme $x) {         $x->bla(1, 2);     }      public function bar(mockme $x) {         $x->bla(1, new stdclass());     }  }  class demotest extends phpunit_framework_testcase {      public function testworks() {         $x = new demo();         $mock = $this->getmock("mockme");         $mock->expects($this->once())->method("bla")->with(1,2);         $x->foo($mock);     }      public function testfails() {         $x = new demo();         $mock = $this->getmock("mockme");         $mock->expects($this->once())->method("bla")->with(1,3);         $x->foo($mock);     }      public function testobject() {         $x = new demo();         $mock = $this->getmock("mockme");         $mock->expects($this->once())->method("bla")->with(1, $this->isinstanceof("stdclass"));         $x->bar($mock);     } } 

results in:

phpunit demotest.php phpunit 3.5.13 sebastian bergmann.  .f.  time: 0 seconds, memory: 4.25mb  there 1 failure:  1) demotest::testfails failed asserting <integer:2> matches expected <integer:3>.  ...demotest.php:12 ...demotest.php:34  failures! tests: 3, assertions: 2, failures: 1. 


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