ruby on rails - devise + omniauth auth/failure?message=invalid_credentials -

after added application in twitter when request authentication in twitter (/auth/twitter) these error message


routing error  no route matches "/auth/failure" 

how can add valid credential or there ssl certificate must included in requesting twitter auth??

my facebook authentication works fine after added parameter ssl certificate looks this

 rails.application.config.middleware.use omniauth::builder       provider :facebook,'xxx', 'xx', { :scope => 'publish_stream,offline_access,email',:client_options => { :ssl =>{ :ca_path => "/etc/ssl/certs" } }}        provider :twitter, 'xx','xxx' #,{ :client_options => { :ssl =>{ :ca_path => "/etc/ssl/certs" } }} end 

i've same problem you, happen because oauth_token in twitter login valid on once request. may application trying refresh when authentication twitter.

when i've problem you, apps trying refresh webpage

window.opener.location = "#{request.fullpath}"; 

until i'couldn't find how popup window when login using twitter. i'm using omniauth , rails 3.0.3. thanks


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