Showing multiple markers on map : Titanium -

i making app in have show map in application. able show map , able add markers using annotation on mapview.

problem 1> not able show multiple markers on map.

so body can me how can add multiple markers on map.



here map class use. include map.js file in window , call map.init , pass in array of map annotations add, center lat/long, top , bottom positions of map, , optionally lat/long delta. if want dynamically add annotations after map has been created can call other functions in class so:

var path = == 'android' ? ti.filesystem.resourcesdirectory : "../../";  var map = {      top: 0,     bottom: 0,     latitude: 0,     longitude: 0,     latitudedelta: 0.1,     longitudedelta: 0.1,     display: "map",      init: function (annotations, latitude, longitude, top, bottom, delta) {          if (top)    = top;         if (bottom)             map.bottom = bottom;         if (delta) {             map.latitudedelta = delta;             map.longitudedelta = delta;         }          map.createmap(annotations, latitude, longitude);         map.createoptions();         map.getlocation();      },      createmap: function (annotations, latitude, longitude) {          map.mapview ={             maptype:, animate: true, regionfit: false, userlocation: true,             region: { latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude, latitudedelta: map.latitudedelta, longitudedelta: map.longitudedelta },             annotations: annotations, bottom: map.bottom, top:, borderwidth: 1         });         if (!isandroid) {             map.mapview.addannotation(annotations[0]);         }         map.mapview.selectannotation(annotations[0]);         win.add(map.mapview);      },      createoptions: function () {          //map/satellite displays.         var mapdisplay = new imageview({ image: path + 'images/map/satellite-view.png', width: 70, height: 49, zindex: 2, top: + 5, right: 5 });         mapdisplay.addeventlistener('click', function () {             if (map.display == "map") {                 map.mapview.setmaptype(;                 mapdisplay.image = path + "images/map/map-view.png";                 map.display = "satellite";             }             else {                 map.mapview.setmaptype(;                 mapdisplay.image = path + "images/map/satellite-view.png";                 map.display = "map";             }         });         win.add(mapdisplay);          //crosshairs.         if(ti.geolocation.locationservicesenabled) {             var centerdisplay = new imageview({ image: path + 'images/map/crosshairs.png', width: 49, height: 49, zindex: 2, top: + 5, right: 80 });             centerdisplay.addeventlistener('click', function () {                 if(map.latitude != 0 && map.longitude != 0) {                     info("setting user location " + map.latitude + " / " + map.longitude);                     //center map.                     var userlocation = {                         latitude: map.latitude,                         longitude: map.longitude,                         latitudedelta: map.latitudedelta,                         longitudedelta: map.longitudedelta,                         animate: true                     };                     map.mapview.setlocation(userlocation);                 }                 else {                     info("can't user location, lat , long 0!");                 }             });             win.add(centerdisplay);         }      },      createannotation: function (title, subtitle, latitude, longitude, islocation, addtomap) {          var mapannotation ={             latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude,             title: title,             subtitle: subtitle,             animate: true         });         if (isandroid) {             mapannotation.pinimage = path + (islocation ? "images/map/blue-pin.png" : "images/map/purple-pin.png");         }         else {             mapannotation.pincolor = islocation ? :;         }          if (addtomap)             map.mapview.addannotation(mapannotation);          return mapannotation;      },      updateannotation: function (mapannotation, title, subtitle, latitude, longitude, islocation) {          if (mapannotation) {             map.mapview.removeannotation(mapannotation);             mapannotation = map.createannotation(title, subtitle, latitude, longitude, islocation);             map.mapview.addannotation(mapannotation);             map.mapview.selectannotation(mapannotation);         }      },      addannotation: function (mapannotation) {          map.mapview.addannotation(mapannotation);      },      removeannotation: function (mapannotation) {          map.mapview.removeannotation(mapannotation);      },      selectannotation: function (mapannotation) {          map.mapview.selectannotation(mapannotation);      },      createroute: function (name, points) {          var route = {             name: name, points: points, color: "#7c74d4", width: 4         };         map.mapview.addroute(route);         settimeout(function () { map.mapview.regionfit = true; }, 700);      },      getlocation: function() {          ti.geolocation.preferredprovider = ti.geolocation.provider_gps;         ti.geolocation.purpose = "testing";         ti.geolocation.accuracy = ti.geolocation.accuracy_best;         ti.geolocation.distancefilter = 10;          if(!ti.geolocation.locationservicesenabled) {             //alert('your device has gps turned off. please turn on.');             return;         }          function updateposition(e) {             if(!e.success || e.error) {                 info("unable location - " + e.error);                 return;             }             info(json.stringify(e.coords));             map.latitude = e.coords.latitude;             map.longitude = e.coords.longitude;             ti.geolocation.removeeventlistener('location', updateposition);         };          ti.geolocation.getcurrentposition(updateposition);             ti.geolocation.addeventlistener('location', updateposition);      }  }; 


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